Mobile: +33 (0) 6 08 71 58 37
Skype: dominique errard (Paris)
Paris - France
Dates & Place to be defined
If you are a group + a place,
I'm joining you
Let's organize this together
17 - 22 October 2018
Morocco - Oumnass
November 24 & 25, 2018
France - Chuelles - (45)
Individual meeting
Enseignant Spirituel, Coach, Chaman
Thérapeute Vibratoire & Sonore
Auteure - Conférencière
January 25, 2020
Units of vibrations in Brussels
1 day to realign
Body & Soul
The convolutions of our emotions are the indicators we need,
to hear that it is necessary to do yourself good.
These times when humanity is undergoing great changes are milestones of importance,
where everyone has its place,
and especially, or each is necessary, to allow the whole to circulate better.
We hold the powers of vibration, we are the powers of sound.
In our body of flesh and in our Light body / our magnetic body,
with our head and our heart,
the impossible is then quite possible.
What ?
. Harmonization of moods
. Liberation of beliefs
. Harmonization of cells
. Reopening to individual multi-possibilities
How ?
Shamanic Healing: Drum and Sounds
Knowledge transmission: Related and specific To the individuality of the people present
Questions answers
Shamanic session : Visualization of the future me
Participation process ?
On registration via email or phone