Mobile: +33 (0) 6 08 71 58 37
Skype: dominique errard (Paris)
Paris - France
Dates & Place to be defined
If you are a group + a place,
I'm joining you
Let's organize this together
17 - 22 October 2018
Morocco - Oumnass
November 24 & 25, 2018
France - Chuelles - (45)
Individual meeting
Enseignant Spirituel, Coach, Chaman
Thérapeute Vibratoire & Sonore
Auteure - Conférencière
Join the " generation 2 " team
of the Tous Chaman training
To chase the second year
taught by Dominique Errard
coach, shaman and author
A training that gives the keys to reveal
your capacity and freedom to Be.
" All Shaman training
aims to allow
to the greatest number
to rediscover its ancestral multidimensional capacities,
to integrate them into his daily life and thus become a screenwriter of his life" ​​
You learn to
Recover your Intuitive nature
Release your traumatic mechanisms written in your DNA
Develop and master practical tools to pacify your life and write joy in your DNA
Develop your mental / emotional capacity as a creator
Develop your clairaudience and clairvoyance skills
Use the visible and the invisible in his everyday life to inscribe his dreams and desires in the material
Develop your universal knowledge on the multidimensional Nature of Man
Acquire a capacity to adapt and manage crisis situations with respect for all parties concerned
A unique, progressive, plural and collaborative education to best meet your needs.
The Tous Chaman training is 100% online ,
The workshops take place in DIRECT
And are accessible in REPLAY for life
COMPLETE COURSE of 3 stages - 3 years
Graduate education
Content dealing with ancestral and stellar knowledge
Practical exercises to use in your daily life
Shamanic care and DNA re-encoding at each workshop
A Facebook-type blog created for all our exchanges
Direct interactions with each other for those who want (Trombinoscope available with contact details and location) ​
Ease of payment ( monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually )
A package built to support you in depth.
Included in the training over 3 years
# 1 Progressive knowledge transmission path, which allows everyone to integrate Information and cellular resets (once or twice a month)
# 2 + 48 workshops (+100 hours of training over 3 years) accessible in replay and available for life
# 3 12 Zooms (+30 hours of sharing accessible in replay and available for life
# 4 Quantum care / pipelines at each workshop depending on the energy of the moment
# 5 +/- 40 PDF workshops attended