Mobile: +33 (0) 6 08 71 58 37
Skype: dominique errard (Paris)
Paris - France
Dates & Place to be defined
If you are a group + a place,
I'm joining you
Let's organize this together
17 - 22 October 2018
Morocco - Oumnass
November 24 & 25, 2018
France - Chuelles - (45)
Individual meeting
Enseignant Spirituel, Coach, Chaman
Thérapeute Vibratoire & Sonore
Auteure - Conférencière
Inscribe Peace in the Future,
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ainsi la Vivre au Present
Saturday November 19 - Sunday November 27
France - Morbihan (56) - Vannes
What is it ?
Who are we ?
It is a tool for raising awareness through the role play of some of us,
which become the vectors of our unconscious, blocking and recurring parts.
Our body and our heart carry all the information that our head struggles to discover.
In this session we deposit in a circle of connections, the bodies and open the doors of the unconscious which allows us the reprogramming, and thus the dissolution of the unconscious mechanisms which reduce our life.
Bringing to light the systemic family unconscious, the blockages, highlights the unsaid, the family secrets and all the blocking memory traces registered and ready to emerge.
Both companions for 20 years, Yolande and Dominique join forces to offer a double effect
Yolande DuChastel; Specialized in family constellation
Dominique Errard; Specialized in cellular reprogramming